Welcome! This subject guide is a portal to key print and online library subscription resources, and open web content for all aspects of theatre* research-history, performance, production and design, and the industry.
*Theatre as defined in this guide is, drama as acted on the stage.
Note: For links to related subject guides, including Costume research, see the "Library Quick Links" box at the bottom of this page.
Before you begin searching for books and articles, use the sources (encyclopedias, handbooks, etc.) listed in the two "Starting Points" pages. They will:
Call Numbers that are prefaced with REF (e.g., REF PN 2101 .B68 2008) indicate that the book is in the Reference Collection, located on the main/1st floor of Howe Library. Books in the reference collection are non-circulating, but you may scan pages for free in the library.