Note: The loan period for library books is one semester.
Freely available on the Internet
Use the library catalog to find print and electronic UVM dissertations and theses.
Current dissertations and theses from UVM graduate programs are submitted electronically and are available in UVM ScholarWorks, UVM's Institutional Repository.
Honors College theses from 2014-present may be found in the ScholarWorks HCOL senior thesis collection.
Note: Since electronic submission is not required, not all HCOL theses have been submitted to ScholarWorks.
Subject-Based Research Guides (look in the column SUBJECTS) in a variety of disciplines, are created and maintained by Howe librarians in Information & Instruction Services. Each guide presents the most important print and online sources (e.g., reference sources, books, article databases, journals, image databases, statistical databases, streaming video sources, etc.) in a specific subject.