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HCOL 3000: Thesis Proposal Seminar - VonDoepp (Fall 2024)

Honors Thesis Preparation

Welcome to the HCOL 3000 library research guide, which is designed to help students writing Honors Theses conduct successful library research for a literature review in a thesis proposal as well as the in honors thesis. It is meant to support you as you take your research to the next level.

While your thesis advisor will likely recommend specific books and articles, your own research is critical. This research guide is not a source of discipline-based content, but does provide guidance on how to find discipline-specific resources.


From the Honors College website: UVM Libraries and Honors College Students 

For general reference questions,  librarians are available at Howe Library at the Reference Desk, and remotely as well through our Ask a Librarian services, which include chat, e-mail, text and phone options.  

Librarians are here to support and facilitate your research process, and are available for individual consultations by appointment. 

You may wish to consult with a Subject Librarian in your discipline for help with in-depth thesis research at any stage of the research process, including help with defining and refining your thesis topic. Contact any of us by e-mail, and we will schedule a time that is mutually convenient to meet.

As the Honors College Librarian, please also feel free to contact me regarding all stages of your thesis process.   You can contact me directly at:     

Library Quick Links

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Found a citation to a book or journal article that you need, but the library does not have it?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service for UVM affiliates. We will obtain materials (books, articles, book chapters) not owned by the UVM Libraries, Articles and book chapters will come to you in electronic format; print books will be borrowed from other libraries and made available to you. There is no fee.

Requests may be placed online. Log in to your ILL portal using your UVM netid and e-mail password. If you are making a request for the first time, you will need to register for the service before making a request. 

Document Delivery (materials owned by UVM Libraries)

UVM students may request scans of articles and book chapters from materials available in Howe Library regular print and microform collections. ILL staff will scan articles or book chapters and deliver them as a PDF to a user's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) portal. There is no fee. Copyright law applies.

Requests may be placed online. Log in to your ILL portal using your UVM netid and e-mail password.

 If you are making a request for the first time, you will need to register for the service before making a request.  From your main ILL portal page, select: New request  --> (pull-down menu -- Document Delivery request)

Find more details and a link to the ILL and document delivery request forms. There is also a link ("ILL/DD" green button) on the Library homepage.

Working Off Campus?

Use your UVM NetID and password to log in to the UVM network through EZproxy before you begin your research, to access the UVM Libraries' licensed electronic resources, such as article databases, electronic journals, e-books, and more.

Once you're logged in look for "" in the URL of the web page (e.g., to ensure that you are connected to the UVM network.
NOTEUVM affiliates only after a database name indicates a licensed library database, restricted to UVM affiliates.


Profile Photo
Laurie Kutner
Laurie Kutner
David W. Howe Memorial Library
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
(802) 656-2213

Liaison to:
Honor's College; Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources; Environmental Program; Anthropology; Geography; Global and Regional Studies