Walling, H.F. Map of Chittenden County, Vermont. Boston: Baker and Tilden, 1857.
Also available in print. Call number: Special Collections Map Cases G3753.O7 1857 .M37
Beers, F. W. Atlas of Chittenden Co., Vermont. Rutland, Vt.: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1869 (reprinted 1971).
Call number: Howe Reference FOLIO G1228.C5 B4 1971, Special Collections QUARTO G1228.C5 B4 1971
Town of Shelburne Rural Electric Lines 1944.
In addition to electric lines, shows roads, buildings, and other features.
Special Collections Map Cases
Vermont Natural Resources Atlas
Interactive maps provide geographic information about environmental features and sites.
Aerial Photos: 1962, 1974, 1978
Map Room, Howe
Digital Imagery: 1999, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011
Map Room, Howe Library
Various versions of the statewide bedrock map are available, adapted from:
Ratcliffe, N.M., Stanley, R.S., Gale., M.H., Thompson, P.J., and Walsh, G.J., 2011, Bedrock geologic map of Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3184, 3 sheets, scale 1:100,000, http://pubs.usgs.gov/sim/3184/
Surficial geology/parent material
Contained within soil data layers under field “PARENT” and “PARENTSUB”. Statewide data is available at Vermont Center for Geographic Information as GeologicSoils_SO (Soils- Natural Resource Conservation Service soil survey). Data relevant to Shelburne Pond is found in GeologicSoils_SO07.
For assistance with VCGI data, please visit the Map Room on the ground floor of Howe Library.
Statewide data is available at VCGI as GeologicSoilsSO (Soils- Natural Resource Conservation Service soil survey). Data relevant to Shelburne Pond is found in GeologicSoils_SO07.
Available at VCGI Theme Index under Biologic and Ecologic Information
Rare threatened and endangered species: EcologicOther_RTENATCOM. .
Core habitats in Vermont from the VT Biodiversity project: EcologicHabitat_COREHAB.
Vermont Wildlife Linkage Habitat: EcologicHabitat_WLH.
Statewide map of habitat blocks and ranking of biological value, conservation value and threat potential: EcologicHabitat_HABITATBLKS.