A variety of sources provide information about Native American occupation, Euro-American settlement and land use during the nineteenth century, and development and management of the H. Laurence Achilles Natural Area at Shelburne Pond.
Alberghini, Brian. Second Dugout Canoe Recovered from Shelburne Pond. VAS Newsletter 30 (1980): 1-2.
Call number: Special Collections F51 .V3 and online
Cowan, Frank L. History and Present Status of the Ewing Site Investigations. VAS Newsletter 5 (1977): 3-7.
Call number: Special Collections F51 .V3 and online
Petersen, James B. Prehistoric Ceramics from the Ewing Site. VAS Newsletter, May 1978: 6.
Call number: Special Collections F51 .V3 and online
Petersen, James B. et al. Archaeological Investigations in the Shelburne Pond Locality, Chittenden County, Vermont. Interim report, 1984.
Call number: Special Collections E78.V5 A726 1984
Haviland, William A. and Marjory W. Power. Other Late Woodland Sites in the Champlain Valley. In The Original Vermonters, 145-148.
Call number: Howe 2nd floor, Special Collections E78 .V5 H37 1994
Petersen, J.A. Wolford, N.D. Hamilton, L. LaBar, and M.J. Heckenberger. Archaeological Investigations in the Shelburne Pond Locality. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 54 (1985): 23-76.
Physical Characteristics, Site of Discovery and Method of Preservation of a Dugout Canoe Found at Shelburne Pond, Vermont. Burlington, Vt.: Field Naturalist Program, University of Vermont, 1985.
Call number: Special Collections CLST F59.S55 P48 1985
Savonen, Carol. Shelburne Pond Yields Third Dugout Canoe. VAS Newsletter, January 1985.
Call number: Special Collections F51 .V3 and online
Shelburne Pond Yields Dugout Canoe. VAS Newsletter, May, 1978: 4.
Call number: Special Collections F51 .V3 and online
Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County, Vermont. Syracuse: Journal Office, 1882.
Call number: Special Collections F57 .C56 C47 1882-1883
Hemenway, Abby. Vermont Historical Gazetteer. Burlington, VT: Miss A. Hemenway, 1886-1891.
Call number: Howe Reference, Special Collections F46 .V583
Rann, W.S. History of Chittenden County, Vermont. Syracuse: D. Mason, 1886.
Call number: Special Collections F57 .C56 R36 1886 Special Collections
Conant, J., Moynihan, J., Milder, I., Bacon, J. Interpretive Master Plan.
Available in the Natural Areas office in Bittersweet House, 153 S. Prospect St.
Cook, Rachel L. The Development of an Interpretive Brochure for the Upland Trail at the H. Lawrence Achilles Natural Area at Shelburne Pond. Senior Thesis, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, 2003.
Stored in the Library Research Annex; contact uvmsc@uvm.edu for access
Droege, Missy F., Fullerton M. G., Larson, M.E., LaMotte, K., Peleszak, C.M., Renaud, J.M. Master Stewardship Plan for the H. Laurence Achilles Natural Area (Shelburne Pond), Town of Shelburne, Chittenden County, Vermont, 1982.
Available in the UVM Natural Areas office in Bittersweet House, 153 S. Prospect St.
Hanson, Thor, Keener, M., Salzberg, A., Samtom, D. Shelburne Pond Assessment: Watershed Analysis, Ecological Summary and Recommendations for Management.
University of Vermont Field Naturalist Program, 1998
Hart, Sarah. Shelburne Pond: A Site Conservation Plan.
University of Vermont Environmental Program, Burlington, Vermont, 2000.
Hub Vogelmann Remembers: Saving Shelburne Pond – Mr. Achilles and the Earliest Steps.
Shelburne News, February 27, 1995. p. 3
Call number: Special Collections QUARTO F46 .S55
Marrs, Brandon M. An Ecological Restoration Proposal for a Former Cattle Farm Located on the Northern Shore of Shelburne Pond in Shelburne, Vermont. Senior thesis, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, 2005.
Stored in the Library Research Annex; contact uvmsc@uvm.edu for access
Santaniello, Tara. An Assessment of the Interpretive Possibilities for the Shelburne Pond Natural Area, Based on the Natural History and Native Uses of the Area's Natural Materials. Senior thesis, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, 2000.
Stored in the Library Research Annex; contact uvmsc@uvm.edu for access
University of Vermont Natural Areas: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees, 1974.
Worley, Ian. Evaluation of Shelburne Pond and Wetlands, Shelburne, Chittenden County, Vermont for Designation as a Natural Landmark. University of Vermont Botany Department, Burlington, Vermont, 1981.
Available in Special Collections; contact uvmsc@uvm.edu for access.