Having trouble finding a specific article? Finding newspaper articles and other content can be difficult for several reasons:
- Sometimes articles have different titles in the print edition and the online edition.
- Sometimes articles appear in a newspaper’s online edition and not in its print edition, and vice versa.
- Sometimes the online editions of newspapers contain items such as data sets or interactive content that are not included in library databases.
- In rare cases, articles are excluded from online databases because they were written by freelance writers who did not give permission for their articles to be published electronically.* Unfortunately, no notice is provided that articles are missing; they simply do not appear in the database search results. To confirm that a known article is missing, try searching or browsing by publication date to see if the article appears among others published on that date.
* In the “Tasini Decision,” the U. S. Supreme Court stated that reproduction of freelance authors’ magazine and newspaper articles in computer databases, without authors’ permission, infringed on the authors’ copyrights. (533 U.S. 483).