The Artists’ Book Collection is housed in Special Collections on the ground floor of Howe Library. The books can be used whenever Special Collections is open. Artists’ books are shelved in closed stacks, so individuals who wish to use them must ask for assistance. Anyone wishing to see a variety of books or books selected by subject, binding style or technique should contact Special Collections in advance. Most books and periodicals about artists’ books are shelved in the reference section in Special Collections. All items must be viewed in the reading room. There may also be circulating copies of trade editions and reference books in the Howe stacks.
Special Collections librarians routinely introduce artists’ books to high school and college classes in art, literature, and other subjects. Books can be selected to meet specific class interests and curriculum objectives. Each session includes ample time for individual examination. Students and instructors can make arrangements to have access to artists’ books for class assignments. Instructors should contact Prudence Doherty at 656-1493 or to schedule an instruction session.
Lectures and Exhibits
Special Collections organizes lectures and exhibits that highlight works and artists represented in the Artists’ Books Collection. All events are free and open to the public. Featured book artists have included Robin Price, Maureen Cummins, Julie Chen, Claire Van Vliet, Carol Barton, Jane Kent and Mildred Beltre.
Space + Time, Ken Leslie. Details.