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NIH 2023 Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy

Application Instructions

Use these application instructions to fill out the forms that are requested in your funding opportunity announcement. These guidelines describe all the elements that you must consider when developing and uploading your Data Management and Sharing Plan. This includes guidance on who must complete the form, what information is being requested, and how and where to upload the form in the grant application package:

Note that the above instructions are applicable to most grant mechanisms, but Career Development awards and certain other mechanisms use a different set of guidelines:

Submitting Data Management and Sharing Plans

DMS Plans should be included within the “Other Plan(s)" field on the PHS 398 Research Plan or PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form as indicated in the Application Instructions:

A brief summary and associated costs should be submitted as part of the budget and budget justification (see Budgeting for Data Costs tab).

Links to Guidance