The print books in this list are located in the Reference Collection [main/1st floor], primarily in Row 5. Browse carefully in this area to find additional books on this topic. Reference books are non-circulating, but pages may be scanned for free in the library, or you can take photographs of pages with your IPhone. Note: In addition to the resources on this page, be aware that many general and subject (e.g., history, popular culture, etc.) encyclopedias include essays on various aspects of costume and fashion.
Important Set of Books - Row 12
ROW 5 : Call Number range: GT
ROW 12
This database offers a substantial essay on- and many images of- (mostly) military uniforms in Western Europe. Military uniforms from other regions - not so much. Try a keyword search in the main search box military uniforms
Books on Military Uniforms are generally in this call number range: UC 480. Reference Collection: Row 12 or Row 18 (oversized-Quarto) / Circulating Books: 3rd floor
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ROW 12