There may be a time when you are asked to pay for full text access by a publisher. Please don't. The library can usually get the article for you for free. Please Ask Dana for help if you run into this problem.
Finding full text can be a little confusing. If you need help or if you have questions, please Ask Dana for assistance. Someone will respond to you ASAP.
Some journals provide free access to a part or all of their content. That's why you can find some articles online for free when you use Google or Google Scholar.
However, you can program Google Scholar so that it can access the electronic journals provided by Dana Health Sciences Library as well. Please follow these instructions to activate this function on your computer.
Step 1. Connect to Google Scholar (
Step 2. Click on the Menu icon located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen:
Step 3. Click on the Settings icon:
Step 4. Click on Library Links:
Step 5. Run a search for University of Vermont:
Step 6. Select the University of Vermont - Find it@UVM option:
Step 7. Click the blue Save button
It's a good idea to run a quick test to make sure that your Find it@UVM links work in Google Scholar. Here's how to do that:
Step 1. Run a search for a topic you are interested in
Step 2. Scroll through the results. If any of the articles are published in journals that Dana Health Sciences Library subscribes to, you will see a Find it@UVM link to the right of the citation.
Step 3. Click the Find it@UVM link. A new window or tab will open up and the article should appear:
In some cases, you may have to look around on this page for a button or a link to open the actual PDF copy of the article.
Click on each question to read the answer.