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This guide describes what an ORCID iD is and how to create and use one.

Meet Funder and Publisher Requirements

Funding Agencies 


Resolve Name Ambiguity Issues

What's in a name?

ORCID iDs help solve the name ambiguity problem by providing researchers with a free, unique, persistent identifier that they own and control. This iD can be connected to professional information, such as affiliations, grants, publications, etc. and it distinguishes one researcher from another across different disciplines, geographic locations, and time.

You ORCID iD provides the following benefits:

  • You will be distinguished from every other researcher, even researchers who share your name.
  • Your research outputs and activities will be correctly attributed to you.
  • Your contributions and affiliations will be reliably and easily connected to you.
  • You will enjoy improved discoverability and recognition.
  • You will be able to connect your record to a growing number of institutions, funders, and publishers.
  • Your ORCID record is yours, for free, forever.


Save Time

ORCID iDs have been integrated into workflows used by thousands of publishers, funders, and research organizations. As a result, citations can be automatically pushed to and from your ORCID profile with minimal effort on your part. Just enable auto-update for trusted organizations, such as Crossref and DataCite, in your profile.

How to use auto-update