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ENGS 107: Rhetorics of Food - Miles (Fall 2020)

search for journal and magazine articles using multidisciplinary and subject-specific databases

Find Articles in Scholarly Journals and Magazines

NOTE: for these databases (except LexisNexis), the truncation (aka wildcard) symbol is *

An index (e.g., article database) will enable you to identify articles published in periodicals and/or newspapers. For the most wide-ranging picture of how your topic was covered in the periodical press, you will want to make use of both multidisciplinary and subject indexes in conjunction with one another.

Find it at UVM

When searching for articles using UVM article databases, watch for this icon:

Use this button to help you:

  1. link directly to the article, or
  2. link to the journal's homepage, or
  3. determine whether the library has that journal and year in print format, or
  4. link to a search of the Library Catalog to see if we own the journal, or
  5. link to an interlibrary loan (ILL) form

Journals (online and print)

Journal Titles provided by UVM Libraries UVM affiliates only

NOTE: UVM Libraries still owns many print journals


The Library does Not own every journal-or book-accessed through these databases. Use  Interlibrary Loan (free!) to request books, and copies of articles or book chapters needed.

Multidisciplinary Article Databases

Subject-Specific Article Databases

To find subject-specific article databases and other electronic sources, go to Articles & More. Then on the right of the screen, click the box "Browse by Subject"  where a list of subjects will appear. Here are just a few of the article databases you will see in the subject lists: