Daniel, Alicia and Patricia Fontaine. Where the Wild Things Are: Large Mammal Habitats and Corridors in South Burlington, Vermont. Winooski Valley Park District, 2002.
Call number: QL719 .V4 D36 S65 2002 (Special Collections)
Daniel, Alicia and Mark Ward. Where the Wild Things Are: Large Mammal Habitat and Corridors in Burlington, Vermont. Winooski Valley Park District, 2000.
Call number: QL719 .V4 D36 2000 (Special Collections)
Eiseman, Charles. Wildlife Habitat and Corridors in the Winooski Valley Park District's Communities. 2007.
Thompson, Elizabeth and Eric R. Sorenson. Wetland, Woodland, Wildland. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2005.
Call number: QH105 .V5 T46 2000 (B/H 3rd floor, Reference, Special Collections)
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. Aquatic Life Support Use assessment of Centennial Brook. 2009.