Created by the Academy of American Poets. Portal to thousands of poems and 3,000+ biographies of contemporary and classic poets, as well as essays, interviews, and poetry recordings—with new material being added continuously.
Literary foundation and publisher of Poetry Magazine, its mission is to promote poetry in the wider culture; the site links to selected poems and provides short but insightful literary biographies of poets worldwide. There is also a link to selected prose articles from the magazine.
Provides a wide range of glossed Middle English texts and translations of analogues relevant to Chaucer's works, as well as selections from relevant works by earlier and later writers, critical articles from a variety of perspectives, graphics, and general information on life in the Middle Ages.
[University of Rochester] This Robbins Library Digital Project documents, through a bibliography and numerous images, the history of illustrations of Chaucer’s works through postmedieval illustrated versions of his works.
The archive began as a digital humanities project sponsored by the Library of Congress and supported by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and is now overseen by an advisory board from the US and UK. The archive provides digital reproductions of the various works of William Blake, alongside annotation, commentary and scholarly materials related to Blake.
This is a collection of electronic text editions of poetry by British and Irish women written (not necessarily published) between 1789 and 1832, a period traditionally known in English literary history as the Romantic period.