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Publish Your Research

UVM Agreements

The UVM Libraries fund agreements that reduce or eliminate Author Processing Charges (APCs). The following journals are included

  • BMJ Case Reports Please contact the Dana Health Sciences Library to obtain the UVM fellowship code.
  • Wiley hybrid journals: any journal in the table below that is labelled "Optional Open Access" and is published by Wiley.

See more information regarding UVM open access publishing support.

Journals that Accept Case Reports

Journals included in this table must currently accept case reports, be fully indexed in MEDLINE, accept and publish English language submissions, and the journal's website and author guidelines must be accessible on the internet (no broken links).

The table is the work of Gotschall T, Spencer A, Hoogland MA, Cortez E, Irish E. Journals Accepting Case Reports. JMLA. 2023(111)4, 819-822,  It is made available through a CC-By Attribution 4.0 International license.

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