Forgot your password? No problem. Just follow these steps:
- Go to the Network ID & Account Management page
- Click the Reset a Forgotten NetID Password link
- Follow the screen prompts and select a new password
Didn't work? Still no problem...
Please give the folks at ETS Help Line a call at (802) 656-2604 a call and ask them to manually reset your password for you.
Some important things to remember when creating your password:
- Your password cannot be a common word found in the dictionary
- Your password must be at least 12 characters in length
- Your password must contain a mixture of at least 2 of the following:
- Upper case letters (ABCD)
- Lower case letters (abcd)
- Numbers (1234)
- Punctuation or some other symbol (!@#$)
Remember, the more complex your password is, the more secure it is.