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POLS 2200/CLAS 2990: Utopias, Old and New - Usher (Spring 2024)

Interlibrary Loan

Found a citation to a book or journal article that you need, but the library does not have it?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service for UVM affiliates. We will obtain materials (books, articles, book chapters) not owned by the UVM Libraries. Articles and book chapters will come to you in electronic format; print books will be borrowed from other libraries and made available to you. There is no fee.

Requests may be placed online. Log in to your ILL portal using your UVM netid and e-mail password. If you are making a request for the first time, you will need to register for the service before making a request. 

Document Delivery

UVM affiliates may request scans of articles and book chapters from materials available in Howe Library's regular print and microform collections. Staff will scan articles or book chapters and deliver them as a PDF to a user's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) portal. There is no fee. Copyright law applies.

Requests may be placed online. Log in to your ILL portal using your UVM netid and e-mail password.

 If you are making a request for the first time, you will need to register for the service before making a request.  From your main ILL portal page, select: New request  --> (pull-down menu -- Document Delivery request)

Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Information & Policies

The ILL/DD office is on the Ground Floor. tel: 656-2242 / e-mail: