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HCOL 2000 - Poet Warrior: Works of Joy Harjo - Grosvenor (Fall 2024)


Welcome to the UVM Libraries

This guide provides access to a small selection of resources to help you get started with research at UVM. If you need further help or have questions at any point this semester please contact the librarian.

1: Start with Known Items

 Start with Known Items

Start your research by consulting materials on a topic that your have used in class, that have been recommended to you by your professor, or that are cited in works you've read.

  • Look up materials on your syllabus as a starting point
  • Review the footnotes and bibliography for additional books to consult.
  • Look the book up in the UVM Library Catalog and see what other books share the same "subject."

2: Browsing

Strategy Two: Browsing

When you are looking for books on the shelves of the Howe Library, look at the books near the book you went to look for. Books on similar topics are shelved together and you will often find excellent materials by browsing the shelves in this way.

3: Cast a Wide Net

Strategy Three: Cast a Wide Net

Use a variety of research databases as you look for resources and use WorldCat and Interlibrary Loan to locate materials beyond UVM.

4. Keep Track of Your Work

As you work keep track of where you are finding materials and what search terms are working. This will help you to find more materials over the course of an assignment.

Keep track of citation information for all materials you consult. Often this information can be downloaded from library databases while you search (look for options such as "Cite" on the page with full book or article descriptions.

If you want to keep track of lots of information and have integrated help in generating citations as you write you might consider a research tool such as Zotero.

5. Get Help

If you need help with you research at any point in a project contact your class librarian or the Howe Library Reference Desk (Ask a Librarian)