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HCOL First Year Students: An Introduction to the UVM Libraries

Locating articles by topic

The UVM Libraries subscribes to hundreds of databases to help you locate scholarly journal articles, news, and magazine articles.  

Many professors will require that you focus on the scholarly journal literature as you conduct your research. Depending on the assignment, other professors may not have this requirement. However, it is important to be able to discern the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal literature from other types of periodical literature.

What is a Scholarly Journal?: Distinguishing between Scholarly and Non-Scholarly Periodicals

Choose a general, multi-subject resource to start, such as Academic Search Premier,  and then use a subject-specific database to get a greater depth of access to the subject literature.

Recommended starting point

When researching a topic, a recommended way to start is by using a broad, interdisciplinary database to locate journal articles. 

Academic Search Premier is a great database to start with. 

Locating the most useful databases for your research

From the library home page ( ):

1) Click on:  Research databases

In Research Databases (green button on library home page):

  • browse the entire alphabetical list of article databases (choose "article databases" from the "All Info Types" list):


  • browse the article databases lists by Subject. 

A blue flag  next to a database indicates a suggested starting point

Subject-based Research Guides

Subject-Based Library Research Guides are available in a variety of disciplines, created by Howe Librarians in Information & Instruction Services. View the list in the Subjects column.