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CDAE 123: Media / Policy / Action - Dugan (Fall 2021)

Identifying Stakeholders

These two sources can help you identify organizations concerned with various issues:

1. Encyclopedia of Associations (print reference book)
Shelved at the reference desk, call number AS8 .E5
This annual directory lists and describes associations and organizations in the United States. It's organized by topic, including categories such as:

  • hunting
  • wildlife conservation
  • animal rights
  • animal welfare

You can use the keyword index (a separate volume) to identify associations by keyword, and you can use the geographic index (also a separate volume) to identify associations in Vermont (or any other state). Remember, the indexes will provide entry numbers, not page numbers. Look for those entries in the main volumes.


2. (free online database)

This website provides information about non-profit organizations in the United States, and allows you to narrow your results to organizations in Vermont. Try a keyword search on "hunting" or "animal" and then filter your results by choosing "Vermont."

If you want to do more than a few searches, Guidestar requires you to create a profile. If you do NOT wish to do this using your own personal information, you may sign in using this generic combination set up for the library:

Email address:

Password: CDae123!