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Research Guides


REL 133: Islam and Modernity - Morgenstein Fuerst (Fall 2019)

Welcome to the Library!

This research guide is designed to help you with all aspects of your research for this course: advice for successful research, finding background information, finding useful journal articles and books, evaluating information sources, citing sources in Chicago Style.

Getting Research Help

There are a variety of ways to get help from the Howe Library reference librarians.  Have a question?  Please ask us! Visit the Reference Desk in Howe Library and/or use the "Ask a Librarian" service.

Ask A Librarian connects you with librarians in a variety of different ways


Note: If you see a message that says "chat unavailable"  during chat "open hours," try refreshing your browser. It may be that two librarians are switching off with one another.

Schedule a Research Consultation  

Text: (802) 503-1703

Telephone (Reference desk): (802) 656-2022

Course & Library Quick Links

Here are links to the two documents Professor Morgenstein Fuerst has made available for your use:

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Found a citation to a book or journal article that you need, but isn't owned by the library? Obtain the item through Interlibrary Loan.

Interlibrary Loan's (ILL) service for UVM affiliates will obtain materials (books, articles, book chapters) not owned by the UVM Libraries, from other libraries and document delivery sources. There is no fee.

Document Delivery (materials owned by UVM Libraries)

UVM students may request scans of articles and book chapters from materials available in Howe Library regular print and microform collections. ILL staff will scan articles or book chapters and deliver them as a PDF to a user's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) portal. There is no fee. Copyright law applies.

Requests for ILL and Document Delivery may be placed online. Log in to your ILL portal using your UVM netid and e-mail password.
If you are making a request for the first time, you will need to register for the service before making a request. 

Find more details and a link to the request forms. There is also a link ("ILL/DD" green button) on the Library homepage.

Working Off Campus?

Use your UVM NetID and password to log in to the UVM network through EZproxy before you begin your research, to access the UVM Libraries' licensed electronic resources, such as article databases, electronic journals, e-books, and more.

Once you're logged in look for "" in the URL of the web page (e.g., to ensure that you are connected to the UVM network.
NOTEUVM affiliates only after a database name indicates a licensed library database, restricted to UVM affiliates.