Becker, Katherine. The Adams Pedigree and the Pseudoscience in Vermont Eugenics. UVM History Review 28 (2017-2018): 1-14.
De Guardiola, Mercedes. “Segregation or Sterilization”: Eugenics in the 1912 Vermont State Legislative Session.
Vermont History 87 (2019): 59-86.
Dann, Kevin. From Degeneration to Regeneration: The Eugenics Survey of Vermont, 1925-1936.
Vermont History 59 (1991): 5-29.
Dann, Kevin. The Purification of Vermont.
Vermont Affairs 4 (1987): 27-31.
Special Collections F46 .V44
Dow, Judy A. Understanding the Vermont Eugenics Survey and Its Impacts Today.
In Global Indigenous Health: Reconciling the Past, Engaging the Present, Animating the Future (2018), pages 76-96.
Available in Special Collections Eugenics reference file; consult a librarian. Also available through interlibrary loan.
Ehrhardt, C. “Tourists Accommodated” with Reservations: Dorothy Canfield’s Writings, Vermont Tourism, and the Eugenics Movement in Vermont.
In Evolution and Eugenics in American Literature and Culture, 1880-1940, pages 187-202.
Howe Library PS374.E88 E95 2003
Eugenics Reference File
A collection of clippings, brochures, and other ephemera.
Consult Special Collections Librarian for access
Eugenics Survey of Vermont Reference File
A collection of clippings, brochures, and other ephemera.
Consult Special Collections Librarian for access
Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States: Vermont
This site summarizes information about legally mandated sterilization in Vermont.
Gallagher, Nancy L. Breeding Better Vermonters: The Eugenics Project in the Green Mountain State.
Hanover: University Press of New England, 1999.
Special Collections and Howe Library HQ755.5.U5 G35 1999
Gallagher, Nancy L. Henry Farnham Perkins and the Eugenics Survey of Vermont.
Master’s thesis, Department of History, University of Vermont, 1996.
Special Collections HQ755.5.V5 G35 1996
Leslie, Averill. "To Produce the Best Type of Future Citizens": The Eugenics Survey of Vermont and the Construction of Definitive Vermonterhood.
Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Anthropology Department, Columbia University, 2005.
Available in Special Collections Vermont Manuscript File; consult a librarian for access.
McReynolds, Samuel A. Eugenics and Rural Development: The Vermont Commission on Country Life's Program for the Future. Remote access-UVM affiliates only
Agricultural History 71 (1997): 300-329.
Howe Library Periodicals
Oatman, Michael. Long Shadows: Henry Perkins and the Eugenics Survey of Vermont (Vermont Pure).
Exhibit, Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, 1995.
Exhibit tour