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Vermont Newspapers

This guide provides information about historical and contemporary Vermont newspapers.

French Language


Le Patriote Canadien

Microfilm available at UVM

Le Foyer Canadien

L'Idee Nouvelle 

Microfilm available from other libraries through interlibrary loan

L’Avenir National

Le Protecteur Canadien

La Revolution Canadienne

L'Union Canadienne

Italian Language


Cronaca Sovversiva


Microfilm available from other libraries through interlibrary loan


La Cooperazione

Corriere Libertario

Il Corriere del Vermont

La Scalpellino

Civilian Conservation Corps

Print at UVM

Champlain Journal

Ethan Allen Patriot

Groton Forest Crier

Okemo Outlook

Proctor Piper Park Paper, 1218th Co.

Proctor Piper Park Paper, 1160th Co.

Ricker Breeze

Sixth District Gazette


Microfilm and digital at CRL

The Center for Research Libraries has an extensive collection of newspapers created by CCC members at Vermont camps. Some titles are available online, but most are on microfilm that can be borrowed.

To find a CCC paper, go to the CRL online catalog, select newspapers, and then browse Civilian Conservation Corps Newspapers by state. To order microfilm, place a UVM interlibrary loan request.