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Vermont Land Surveyors Records

A guide to surveyors' collections available in the Silver Special Collections Library.


Crafts Family Collection

Surveyor: Samuel C. Crafts (1763-1853)
Content: Land and road surveys
Geographic Coverage: Northeastern Vermont towns, Eastern Townships of Quebec
Time period: Circa 1800-1840
Shelf location: Library Research Annex
Finding aid
Notes on use: Collection is stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections at or 802-656-2138 to arrange access.

Franklin H. Dewart Papers

Surveyor: Multiple
Content: The folders contain maps and surveys, digests of chains of title, and engineering designs for various projects. Many maps are copies that Dewart made between 1894 and 1928 of early local surveys. The collection also contains surveys for boundary disputes; water rights; estate divisions; highways; waterworks and sewer lines; and land transfers during the period from1890 to 1927. The collection also includes an interesting selection of maps from Dewart’s work along the Connecticut River.
Geographic Coverage: Mostly northern Vermont, small amount of New Hampshire and New York
Time period: circa 1780-1928
Shelf location: Silver Special Collections
Finding aid
Notes on use: Users should be aware that there are two alphabetical sequences, and that they should look in both folders for a given town. Collection can be accessed whenever Special Collections is open.

A.W. Hoag and Associates Records

Surveyor: A.W. Hoag and Associates
Content:  Collection contains survey maps, job tickets, field notes, notebooks, and sketches, photographs, correspondence, title abstracts, and other materials documenting the survey business activities of A.W. Hoag and Associates, Burlington, VT (Arthur W. Hoag, 1902-1961).
Geographic Coverage: Primarily northwestern Vermont. Many Burlington, Vermont properties.
Time period: circa 1945-1961
Shelf location: Library Research Annex
Finding aid: There is a partial finding aid online that includes client files, ledger files, survey notebooks and maps. It does not yet include accounts payable, water and sewer projects,or water and sewer surveys. Map information includes project number and title; city and state location, and sometimes street addresses; and client name.
Notes on use: Collection is stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections at or 802-656-2138 for assistance locating maps and to arrange access.

Fred C. Koerner, Surveyor Records

Surveyor: Fred C. Koerner
Content: Collection consists of land survey maps, drawings, field notes, and correspondence documenting Koerner's activities as a land surveyor.
Geographic Coverage: Northern Vermont
Time period: Circa 1950-1980
Shelf location: Library Research Annex
Finding aid
Notes on Use: Collection is stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections at or 802-656-2138 to find out about contents and to arrange access.

John Johnson Collection

Surveyors: John Johnson
Content: Maps, surveys and architectural drawings. Also includes US-Canada border surveys done in 1818.
Geographic Coverage: Primarily northwestern Vermont, particularly Burlington and Chittenden County. Also covers area of the US-Canada border in Maine, Quebec and New Brunswick.
Time period: 1790-1842
Shelf location: Silver Special Collections
Finding aid
Notes on use: Collection can be accessed whenever Special Collections is open. The large maps and surveys have been scanned, and will soon be available online. In the meantime, Special Collections can provide scans.

H. M. McIntosh Company Papers

Surveyors: Frank Hiram Crandall, Herbert Miller McIntosh, Jane McIntosh
Content: The collection contains correspondence, land surveys and job descriptions, notes and reports on Vermont and New England engineering, day books, ledgers and other financial records of the company known first as McIntosh and Crandall and after 1930 as H. M. McIntosh
Geographic Coverage: Northern Vermont, with a focus in Burlington and Chittenden County.
Time period: 1905-1971
Shelf location: Library Research Annex
Finding aid: There is a collection finding aid online, but it does not include the detailed list of drawings available in the print finding aid in Special Collections. The drawings list is arranged by client name. There is a second index for Burlington properties arranged by street. Special Collections staff can also access card files that are organized by client name and by street. The cards include job numbers and references to field notes and day books. The card file is useful for cross referencing and a good starting point for researching a known location over time.
Notes on Use: Collection is stored offsite. Please contact Special Collections at or 802-656-2138 to arrange access.