There may be times when you already know the article you need. You just need to find out if the library has full text access. Here's a quick way to check:
If we have access, it should be the first record in the results list. Click the Article icon to connect to the full text.
You may run into a situation where you are asked to pay for full text. Don't do it! The library can usually get the article for you for free. Please Ask a Librarian for help if you run into this problem.
Finding full text can be a little confusing. If you need help or have questions, please Ask a Librarian for assistance. Someone will get back to you ASAP.
Dana Health Sciences Library has access to over 5,000 journals and more than 95% of them are available online. The videos in the box below will show you how to find full text article in 3 key resources: CINAHL, PubMed, and Google Scholar.
Click on the tab to view each video.
There may be times when the library doesn't have access to the full text of the article you need. When that happens, we can still get the article for you from another library using a process called Interlibrary Loan. All you need to do is fill out a quick form to let us know what you need. Just follow these steps:
Step 1. Go to the Dana Health Sciences Library homepage
Step 2. Click on the green DD/ILL Request button
Step 3. Click on the link that matches your affiliation e.g. students would click the first one - UVM Health and Biomedical Sciences Student, or University of Vermont Medical Center Resident or Fellow
Step 4. Fill in the "Information About You" boxes with your name, department, and email address
Step 5. Be sure to select the Email it to me option under "Delivery Options"
Step 6. Enter information about the item you are requesting in the "Item Information" box. Please include as much information as you can.
Step 7. Select the I agree to abide by US Copyright Law option
Step 8. Click on the Submit button
You will be notified when your item has arrived. If you ordered an article, there will be instructions in the email about how to download a copy of it. If you ordered a book, you can pick it up at the Circulation Desk in the library.
If you have more questions about Interlibrary Loan, please refer to the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Policy page. You can also contact the Interlibrary Loan department directly by emailing or calling 802-656-2242.