No matter what database you use to locate materials for your research, there are certain strategies that you can use in designing your searches, which will help you conduct effective searches on your research topic.
AND - combines terms; narrows and focuses search ex.: neanderthals and brain
Note: Many databases assume an "and" between your terms if you simply type multiple terms (Google does this.)
OR - used between synonyms or related terms, broadens search by supplying more options ex.: dentition or teeth
NOT - excludes terms from search, narrows and focuses search ex.: apes not chimpanzees
TRUNCATION - symbol used at end of word or word part to retrieve variant word endings; adds flexibility and depth to your search ex: anthropolog* retrieves: anthropology, anthropologist, anthropological, etc. Note: Some tools, such as Google Scholar, will automatically search for variant word endings at the end of your search terms.
Research Process
A Few Things to Keep in Mind when Researching Anthropology Topics
If you need additional help with your research for this class, please don't hesitate to contact me. We can set up a time to meet for an individual consultation, and work through all your research questions.