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NR 3010: Research Methods - Fisher & Kutner (Fall 2024)

Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated bibliographies are written to demonstrate an understanding of specific literature sources available on a topic. They are presented in a general format of a bibliographic citation, followed by a brief paragraph that may be a description and/or evaluation of the work.  Check with your professor for specific requirements regarding:

  • required citation style
  • requirements for what should be included in each annotation (Your professor may have specific guidelines for what should be addressed in each annotation and may include addressing specific questions such as: what is the work's unique contribution to scholarship in the field?)

Here are a couple links to very useful guides that assist with understanding how to write an Annotated Bibliography:

Purdue OWL - Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated Bibliographies (from The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)