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Patents and Trademarks

A guide to getting started with patent searching and trademark searching.

The Vermont Patent & Trademark Resource Center


The Vermont Patent & Trademark Resource Center, designated by the Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) in November 1996, is free and open to the public.

PTRC library representatives can provide the following forms of assistance:

  • introduction to patent searching and patent classification, including the Cooperative Patent Classification system
  • demonstrations of how to use search tools to conduct a patent or trademark search
  • access to USPTO research tools, including examiner-based search systems such as PubEAST and PubWEST (specialized tools used by professional searchers, patent attorneys, and patent agents)
  • access to literature from the US Patent and Trademark Office on application procedures and other USPTO business processes
  • access to self-help books and other literature on a variety of intellectual property (IP) subjects, including patenting, trademark registration, licensing, and copyright
  • orientation to the USPTO website and other IP-related information sources
  • referrals to appropriate contacts for IP-related transactions, business planning, and entrepreneurship education
  • access to patent search databases
  • directions to information explaining the application process and fee schedule
  • access to a directory of local patent attorneys who are licensed to practice before the USPTO
  • classes, workshops, and presentations on intellectual property topics
  • assistance on how to do historical research on patents and trademarks
  • assistance on how to track current research by a company or non-profit
  • help finding patent assignee information

The PTRC is located in the Howe Library Government Information area. See the Howe Library's PTRC webpage for more information.