Start from known items - have a recommended book or article on your topic? Use that to identify related works.
Browse! As you do your research don't simply search look at materials near what you find. Flip through a journal, look to the side on the shelf (or virtual shelf)
Cast a wide net & be persistent. This is a complex project you will likely need to use a lot of different resources to complete it.
Keep track of your process - where you search and what works.
Ask for help! You can make an appointment with me to talk about your specific project.
The library can order copies of articles we do not own through our Interlibrary Loan Service. This service is fast and free.
The library can also make copies of articles and book chapter from out print collection using our Document Delivery Service at no cost. First time users will need to set-up an account. I suggest you do this ahead of starting to search.
This resource comprises the full text of the Grove Dictionary of Art and a number of other reference works published by Oxford University Press, including the Oxford Companion to Western Art.