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Research Guides


POLS 1013 FYS: US Political System - Bradley (Fall 2023)

This research guide has been designed for Prof. Bradley's POLS 1013 First-Year Seminar: US Political System.

Thesis Development

Your thesis is the answer to the question that your paper explores. 

A process for developing your thesis may look something like this: 

1. Start with research. 

2. Narrow your topic.

3. Explore a relevant research question.

4. Develop a working thesis. 

5. Continue your research. Search across multiple platforms and with multiple keywords. 

6. Refine your thesis. 


Tips for a Strong Thesis Statement

STANCE - Makes a claim that answers a question on the topic. Arguable. 

SUPPORTED - Backed up by evidence and research. 

CLEAR - Provides enough specific that one's audience can easily understand its purpose

FOCUSED - Narrow enough to address in the space allotted. The rest of the paper points back to this idea.

COMPLEX- Requires synthesis and analysis.