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Posters and Poster Presentations

Support for creating and presenting scholarly posters

Extend the life of your poster

Archive your poster in a place where it can be visited after the poster session has ended. The ideal location:

  • is easily discoverable
  • will allow your poster to maintain the same URL for as long as your poster is still useful
  • will provide usage statistics so that you will know how often your poster has been downloaded and reused

Recommended locations



Expand the audience for your poster

Give more people an opportunity to learn from your poster!

Increase the visibility of your poster at the conference. This approach is especially effective if you've taken a photo of yourself standing next to your poster.

  • If you use twitter or instagram, create a post using your poster photo and tag the conference you're attending, your institution, and other relevant entities
  • If you don't have your own account, see if you can use the account associated with your lab, program, department or college


Increase the visibility of your poster after the conference

  • Link to the poster in its archived location or to more information about the content of the poster; some poster authors use a QR code right on the poster to link to the poster itself
  • Provide a twitter or instagram handle so that conference attendees can tag it when they mention your poster
  • Put up your poster on the wall of your office or other workspace

Take credit for your work

  • Cite your poster in your CV
  • Include your poster citation in your Linkedin profile
  • Here's a sample poster citation in AMA format: Delaney T, O'Malley D, Donovan K, Carney J. Team-based research projects in an online learning environment: insights from the MPH Culminating Project Experience. Poster presented at: Mud Season Annual Retreat; March 29, 2019; South Burlington, VT.